# Skylib Maintainer's Guide ## The Parts of Skylib * `bzl_library.bzl` - used by almost all rule sets, and thus requiring especial attention to maintaining backwards compatibility. Ideally, it ought to be moved out of Skylib and and into Bazel's bundled `@bazel_tools` repo (see https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/issues/127). * Test libraries - `rules/analysis_test.bzl`, `rules/build_test.bzl`, `lib/unittest.bzl`; these are under more active development than the rest of Skylib, because we want to provide rule authors with a good testing story. Ideally, these ought to be moved out of Skylib and evolved at a faster pace. * A kitchen sink of utility modules (everything else). Formerly, these features were piled on in a rather haphazard manner. For any new additions, we want to be more conservative: add a feature only if it is widely needed (or was already independently implemented in multiple rule sets), if the interface is unimpeachable, if level of abstraction is not shallow, and the implementation is efficient. ## PR Review Standards Because Skylib is so widely used, breaking backwards compatibility can cause widespread pain, and shouldn't be done lightly. Therefore: 1. In the first place, avoid adding insufficiently thought out, insufficiently tested features which will later need to be replaced in a backwards-incompatible manner. See the criteria in README.md. 2. Given a choice between breaking backwards compatibilty and keeping it, try to keep backwards compatibility. For example, if adding a new argument to a function, add it to the end of the argument list, so that existing callers' positional arguments continue to work. 3. Keep Skylib out-of-the-box compatible with the current stable Bazel release (ideally - with two most recent stable releases). * For example, when adding a new function which calls the new `native.foobar()` method which was introduced in the latest Bazel pre-release or is gated behind an `--incompatible` flag, use an `if hasattr(native, "foobar")` check to keep the rest of your module (which doesn't need `native.foobar()`) working even when `native.foobar()` is not available. In addition, make sure that new code is documented and tested. If a PR changes any docstring in an existing module, the corresponding `stardoc_with_diff_test` in `docs` will fail. To fix the test, ask the PR author to run `bazel run //docs:update`. If a PR adds a new module, make sure that the PR also adds a corresponding `stardoc_with_diff_test` target in `docs/BUILD` and a corresponding `*doc.md` file under `docs` (generated by `bazel run //docs:update`). ## Making a New Release 1. Update CHANGELOG.md at the top. You may want to use the following template: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Release $VERSION **New Features** - Feature - Feature **Incompatible Changes** - Change - Change **Contributors** Name 1, Name 2, Name 3 (alphabetically from `git log`) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Bump `version` in version.bzl *and* MODULE.bazel to the new version. TODO(#386): add a test to make sure the two versions are in sync. 3. Ensure that the commits for steps 1 and 2 have been merged. All further steps must be performed on a single, known-good git commit. 4. `bazel build //distribution:bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz` 5. Copy the `bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz` tarball to the mirror (you'll need Bazel developer gcloud credentials; assuming you are a Bazel developer, you can obtain them via `gcloud init`): ``` gsutil cp bazel-bin/distribution/bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz gs://bazel-mirror/github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/releases/download/$VERSION/bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz gsutil setmeta -h "Cache-Control: public, max-age=31536000" "gs://bazel-mirror/github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/releases/download/$VERSION/bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz" ``` 6. Run `sha256sum bazel-bin/distro/bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz`; you'll need the checksum for the release notes. 7. Draft a new release with a new tag named $VERSION in github. Attach `bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz` to the release. For the release notes, use the CHANGELOG.md entry plus the following template: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **WORKSPACE setup** ``` load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") http_archive( name = "bazel_skylib", urls = [ "https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/releases/download/$VERSION/bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz", "https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/releases/download/$VERSION/bazel-skylib-$VERSION.tar.gz", ], sha256 = "$SHA256SUM", ) load("@bazel_skylib//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_workspace") bazel_skylib_workspace() ``` **Using the rules** See [the source](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/tree/$VERSION). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------