| <aid="write_file-name"></a>name | Name of the rule. | none |
| <aid="write_file-out"></a>out | Path of the output file, relative to this package. | none |
| <aid="write_file-content"></a>content | A list of strings. Lines of text, the contents of the file. Newlines are added automatically after every line except the last one. | <code>[]</code> |
| <aid="write_file-is_executable"></a>is_executable | A boolean. Whether to make the output file executable. When True, the rule's output can be executed using <code>bazel run</code> and can be in the srcs of binary and test rules that require executable sources. | <code>False</code> |
| <aid="write_file-newline"></a>newline | one of ["auto", "unix", "windows"]: line endings to use. "auto" for platform-determined, "unix" for LF, and "windows" for CRLF. | <code>"auto"</code> |
| <aid="write_file-kwargs"></a>kwargs | further keyword arguments, e.g. <code>visibility</code> | none |