113 lines
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113 lines
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"""Wraps binary rules to make them more compatible with Bazel.
Currently supports only Bash as the wrapper language, not cmd.exe.
Future additions might include:
- wrap a binary such that it sees a tty on stdin
- manipulate arguments or environment variables
- redirect stdout/stderr, e.g. to silence buildspam on success
- intercept exit code, e.g. to make an "expect_fail"
- change user, e.g. to deal with containerized build running as root, but tool requires non-root
- intercept signals, e.g. to make a tool behave as a Bazel persistent worker
load(":paths.bzl", "BASH_RLOCATION_FUNCTION")
load(":utils.bzl", "to_label")
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:write_file.bzl", "write_file")
def chdir_binary(name, binary, chdir = "$BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY", **kwargs):
"""Wrap a *_binary to be executed under a given working directory.
Note: under `bazel run`, this is similar to the `--run_under "cd $PWD &&"` trick, but is hidden
from the user so they don't need to know about that flag.
name: Name of the rule.
binary: Label of an executable target to wrap.
chdir: Argument for the `cd` command.
By default, supports using the binary under `bazel run` by running program in the
root of the Bazel workspace, in the source tree.
**kwargs: Additional named arguments for the resulting sh_binary rule.
script = "_{}_chdir.sh".format(name)
binary = to_label(binary)
# It's 2022 and java_binary still cannot be told to cd to the source directory under bazel run.
name = "_{}_wrap".format(name),
out = script,
content = [
"#!/usr/bin/env bash",
# Remove external/ prefix that is included in $(rootpath) but not supported by $(rlocation)
"bin=$(rlocation ${1#external/})",
# Consume the first argument
# Fix the working directory
"cd " + chdir,
# Replace the current process
"exec $bin $@",
is_executable = True,
name = name,
srcs = [script],
args = ["$(rootpath {})".format(binary)] + kwargs.pop("args", []),
data = [binary],
deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],
def tty_binary(name, binary, runfiles_manifest_key, **kwargs):
"""Wrap a binary such that it sees a tty attached to its stdin
FIXME: document
load("@rules_foreign_cc//foreign_cc:repositories.bzl", "rules_foreign_cc_dependencies")
name: Name of the rule
binary: Label of an executable target to wrap
runfiles_manifest_key: WORKAROUND: a lookup into the runfiles manifest for the binary
**kwargs: Additional named arguments for the resulting sh_binary rule.
script = "_{}_w_tty.sh".format(name)
binary = to_label(binary)
name = "_{}_wrap".format(name),
out = script,
content = [
"#!/usr/bin/env bash",
# Remove external/ prefix that is included in $(rootpath) but not supported by $(rlocation)
#"bin=$(rlocation ${1#external/})",
"bin=$(rlocation {})".format(runfiles_manifest_key),
# Replace the current process with socat
# Based on https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/157458/make-program-in-a-pipe-think-it-has-tty
# Explanation of options:
# pty: Establishes communication with the sub process using a pseudo terminal instead of a socket pair.
# Creates the pty with an available mechanism.
# If openpty and ptmx are both available, it uses ptmx because this is POSIX compliant
# setsid: Makes the process the leader of a new session
# ctty: Makes the pty the controlling tty of the sub process
"exec socat - EXEC:\"$bin $@\",pty,setsid,ctty",
is_executable = True,
name = name,
srcs = [script],
#args = ["$(rootpath {})".format(binary)] + kwargs.pop("args", []),
data = [binary],
deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"],