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"copy_to_directory implementation"
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", skylib_paths = "paths")
load(":paths.bzl", "paths")
load(":directory_path.bzl", "DirectoryPathInfo")
_copy_to_directory_attr = {
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = """Files and/or directories or targets that provide DirectoryPathInfo to copy
into the output directory.""",
"root_paths": attr.string_list(
default = ["."],
doc = """List of paths that are roots in the output directory.
"." values indicate the targets package path.
If a file or directory being copied is in one of the listed paths or one of its subpaths,
the output directory path is the path relative to the root path instead of the path
relative to the file's workspace.
Forward slashes (`/`) should be used as path separators. Partial matches
on the final path segment of a root path against the corresponding segment
in the full workspace relative path of a file are not matched.
If there are multiple root paths that match, the longest match wins.
Defaults to [package_name()] so that the output directory path of files in the
target's package and and sub-packages are relative to the target's package and
files outside of that retain their full workspace relative paths.""",
"include_external_repositories": attr.string_list(
doc = """List of external repository names to include in the output directory.
Files from external repositories are not copied into the output directory unless
the external repository they come from is listed here.
When copied from an external repository, the file path in the output directory
defaults to the file's path within the external repository. The external repository
name is _not_ included in that path.
For example, the following copies `@external_repo//path/to:file` to
`path/to/file` within the output directory.
name = "dir",
include_external_repositories = ["external_repo"],
srcs = ["@external_repo//path/to:file"],
Files from external repositories are subject to `root_paths`, `exclude_prefixes`
and `replace_prefixes` in the same way as files form the main repository.""",
"exclude_prefixes": attr.string_list(
doc = """List of path prefixes to exclude from output directory.
If the output directory path for a file or directory starts with or is equal to
a path in the list then that file is not copied to the output directory.
Exclude prefixes are matched *before* replace_prefixes are applied.""",
"replace_prefixes": attr.string_dict(
doc = """Map of paths prefixes to replace in the output directory path when copying files.
If the output directory path for a file or directory starts with or is equal to
a key in the dict then the matching portion of the output directory path is
replaced with the dict value for that key.
Forward slashes (`/`) should be used as path separators. The final path segment
of the key can be a partial match in the corresponding segment of the output
directory path.
If there are multiple keys that match, the longest match wins.""",
"_windows_constraint": attr.label(default = "@platforms//os:windows"),
def _longest_match(subject, tests, allow_partial = False):
match = None
high_score = 0
for test in tests:
starts_with_test = test if allow_partial else test + "/"
if subject == test or subject.startswith(starts_with_test):
score = len(test)
if score > high_score:
match = test
high_score = score
return match
# src can either be a File or a target with a DirectoryPathInfo
def _copy_paths(ctx, root_paths, src):
if type(src) == "File":
src_file = src
src_path = src_file.path
output_path = paths.to_workspace_path(src_file)
elif DirectoryPathInfo in src:
src_file = src[DirectoryPathInfo].directory
src_path = "/".join([src_file.path, src[DirectoryPathInfo].path])
output_path = "/".join([paths.to_workspace_path(src_file), src[DirectoryPathInfo].path])
fail("Unsupported type")
# if the file is from an external repository check if that repository should
# be included in the output directory
if src_file.owner and src_file.owner.workspace_name and not src_file.owner.workspace_name in ctx.attr.include_external_repositories:
return None, None, None
# strip root paths
root_path = _longest_match(output_path, root_paths)
if root_path:
strip_depth = len(root_path.split("/"))
output_path = "/".join(output_path.split("/")[strip_depth:])
# check if this file matches an exclude_prefix
match = _longest_match(output_path, ctx.attr.exclude_prefixes, True)
if match:
# file is excluded due to match in exclude_prefix
return None, None, None
# apply a replacement if one is found
match = _longest_match(output_path, ctx.attr.replace_prefixes.keys(), True)
if match:
output_path = ctx.attr.replace_prefixes[match] + output_path[len(match):]
return src_path, output_path, src_file
def _copy_to_dir_bash(ctx, copy_paths, dst_dir):
cmds = [
"set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail",
"mkdir -p \"%s\"" % dst_dir.path,
inputs = []
for src_path, dst_path, src_file in copy_paths:
if [[ ! -e "{src}" ]]; then echo "file '{src}' does not exist"; exit 1; fi
if [[ -f "{src}" ]]; then
mkdir -p "{dst_dir}"
cp -f "{src}" "{dst}"
mkdir -p "{dst}"
cp -fR "{src}/." "{dst}"
""".format(src = src_path, dst_dir = skylib_paths.dirname(dst_path), dst = dst_path))
inputs = inputs,
outputs = [dst_dir],
command = "\n".join(cmds),
mnemonic = "CopyToDirectory",
progress_message = "Copying files to directory",
use_default_shell_env = True,
execution_requirements = _COPY_EXECUTION_REQUIREMENTS,
def _copy_to_dir_cmd(ctx, copy_paths, dst_dir):
# Most Windows binaries built with MSVC use a certain argument quoting
# scheme. Bazel uses that scheme too to quote arguments. However,
# cmd.exe uses different semantics, so Bazel's quoting is wrong here.
# To fix that we write the command to a .bat file so no command line
# quoting or escaping is required.
# Based on skylib copy_file:
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/blob/main/rules/private/copy_file_private.bzl#L28.
bat = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.label.name + "-cmd.bat")
# NB: mkdir will create all subdirectories; it will exit 1
# print an error to stderr if the directory already exists so
# we supress both its stdout & stderr output
cmds = ["""
@rem @generated by @aspect_bazel_lib//lib/private:copy_to_directory.bzl
@echo off
mkdir "%s" >NUL 2>NUL
""" % dst_dir.path.replace("/", "\\")]
inputs = []
for src_path, dst_path, src_file in copy_paths:
# copy & xcopy flags are documented at
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/copy
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/robocopy
if not exist "{src}" (
echo file "{src}" does not exist
exit /b 1
if exist "{src}\\*" (
mkdir "{dst}" >NUL 2>NUL
robocopy "{src}" "{dst}" /E >NUL
) else (
mkdir "{dst_dir}" >NUL 2>NUL
copy /Y "{src}" "{dst}" >NUL
src = src_path.replace("/", "\\"),
dst_dir = skylib_paths.dirname(dst_path).replace("/", "\\"),
dst = dst_path.replace("/", "\\"),
# robocopy return non-zero exit codes on success so we must exit 0 when we are done
cmds.append("exit 0")
output = bat,
# Do not use lib/shell.bzl's shell.quote() method, because that uses
# Bash quoting syntax, which is different from cmd.exe's syntax.
content = "\n".join(cmds),
is_executable = True,
inputs = inputs,
tools = [bat],
outputs = [dst_dir],
executable = "cmd.exe",
arguments = ["/C", bat.path.replace("/", "\\")],
mnemonic = "CopyToDirectory",
progress_message = "Copying files to directory",
use_default_shell_env = True,
def _copy_to_directory_impl(ctx):
is_windows = ctx.target_platform_has_constraint(ctx.attr._windows_constraint[platform_common.ConstraintValueInfo])
if not ctx.attr.srcs:
msg = "srcs must not be empty in copy_to_directory %s" % ctx.label
# Replace "." root paths with the package name of the target
root_paths = [p if p != "." else ctx.label.package for p in ctx.attr.root_paths]
output = ctx.actions.declare_directory(ctx.attr.name)
# Gather a list of src_path, dst_path pairs
copy_paths = []
for src in ctx.attr.srcs:
if DirectoryPathInfo in src:
src_path, output_path, src_file = _copy_paths(ctx, root_paths, src)
if src_path != None:
dst_path = skylib_paths.normalize("/".join([output.path, output_path]))
copy_paths.append((src_path, dst_path, src_file))
for src_file in ctx.files.srcs:
src_path, output_path, src_file = _copy_paths(ctx, root_paths, src_file)
if src_path != None:
dst_path = skylib_paths.normalize("/".join([output.path, output_path]))
copy_paths.append((src_path, dst_path, src_file))
if is_windows:
_copy_to_dir_cmd(ctx, copy_paths, output)
_copy_to_dir_bash(ctx, copy_paths, output)
return [
files = depset([output]),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles([output]),
copy_to_directory_lib = struct(
attrs = _copy_to_directory_attr,
impl = _copy_to_directory_impl,
provides = [DefaultInfo],