30 lines
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30 lines
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"""Unit tests for starlark helpers
See https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/testing.html#for-testing-starlark-utilities
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl", "asserts", "unittest")
load("//lib/private:expand_make_vars.bzl", "expand_variables")
def _variables_test_impl(ctx):
env = unittest.begin(ctx)
capture_subs = {}
fake_ctx = struct(
bin_dir = struct(path = "bazel-bin"),
label = struct(
workspace_root = "my-wksp",
package = "path/to",
expand_make_variables = lambda attr, expr, subs: capture_subs.update(subs),
expand_variables(fake_ctx, "output=$(@D)")
expected = {"@D": "bazel-bin/my-wksp/path/to", "RULEDIR": "bazel-bin/my-wksp/path/to"}
asserts.equals(env, expected, capture_subs)
return unittest.end(env)
# The unittest library requires that we export the test cases as named test rules,
# but their names are arbitrary and don't appear anywhere.
t0_test = unittest.make(_variables_test_impl)
def expand_make_vars_test_suite():
unittest.suite("make_vars_tests", t0_test)