78 lines
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78 lines
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"""This module provides the macros for performing a release.
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary")
load(":hashes.bzl", "hashes")
struct(os = "darwin", arch = "amd64", ext = "", gc_linkopts = ["-s", "-w"]),
struct(os = "darwin", arch = "arm64", ext = "", gc_linkopts = ["-s", "-w"]),
struct(os = "linux", arch = "amd64", ext = "", gc_linkopts = ["-s", "-w"]),
struct(os = "linux", arch = "arm64", ext = "", gc_linkopts = ["-s", "-w"]),
struct(os = "windows", arch = "amd64", ext = ".exe", gc_linkopts = []),
def multi_platform_go_binaries(name, embed, prefix = "", **kwargs):
"""The multi_platform_go_binaries macro creates a go_binary for each platform.
name: the name of the filegroup containing all go_binary targets produced
by this macro.
embed: the list of targets passed to each go_binary target in this
prefix: an optional prefix added to the output Go binary file name.
**kwargs: extra arguments.
targets = []
for platform in PLATFORMS:
target_name = "{}-{}-{}".format(name, platform.os, platform.arch)
target_label = Label("//{}:{}".format(native.package_name(), target_name))
name = target_name,
out = "{}{}-{}_{}{}".format(prefix, name, platform.os, platform.arch, platform.ext),
embed = embed,
gc_linkopts = platform.gc_linkopts,
goarch = platform.arch,
goos = platform.os,
pure = "on",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
hashes_name = "{}_hashes".format(target_name)
hashes_label = Label("//{}:{}".format(native.package_name(), hashes_name))
name = hashes_name,
src = target_label,
targets.extend([target_label, hashes_label])
name = name,
srcs = targets,
def release(name, targets, **kwargs):
"""The release macro creates the artifact copier script.
It's an executable script that copies all artifacts produced by the given
targets into the provided destination. See .github/workflows/release.yml.
name: the name of the genrule.
targets: a list of filegroups passed to the artifact copier.
**kwargs: extra arguments.
name = name,
srcs = targets,
outs = ["release.sh"],
executable = True,
cmd = "./$(location //tools:create_release.sh) {locations} > \"$@\"".format(
locations = " ".join(["$(locations {})".format(target) for target in targets]),
tools = ["//tools:create_release.sh"],