"A repository that exposes information about the host platform" load(":repo_utils.bzl", "repo_utils") def _impl(rctx): # Base BUILD file for this repository rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", """# @generated by @aspect_bazel_lib//lib/private:host_repo.bzl load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library") bzl_library( name = "defs", srcs = ["defs.bzl"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"], ) """) # defs.bzl file for this repository rctx.file("defs.bzl", content = """# @generated by @aspect_bazel_lib//lib/private:host_repo.bzl # Information about the host platform host = struct( is_darwin = {is_darwin}, is_linux = {is_linux}, is_windows = {is_windows}, os = "{os}", platform = "{platform}", ) """.format( is_darwin = repo_utils.is_darwin(rctx), is_linux = repo_utils.is_linux(rctx), is_windows = repo_utils.is_windows(rctx), os = repo_utils.os(rctx), platform = repo_utils.platform(rctx), )) host_repo = repository_rule( implementation = _impl, doc = "Exposes information about the host platform", )