"""unit tests for glob_match""" load("@bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl", "asserts", "unittest") load("//lib:glob_match.bzl", "glob_match") def _glob_match_test(ctx, expr, matches, non_matches, mps_matches = None, mps_non_matches = None): """`mps sands for `match path segment` """ env = unittest.begin(ctx) if mps_matches == None: mps_matches = matches if mps_non_matches == None: mps_non_matches = non_matches for path in matches: asserts.equals(env, True, glob_match(expr, path), "Expected expr '{}' to match on path '{}'".format(expr, path)) for path in non_matches: asserts.equals(env, False, glob_match(expr, path), "Expected expr '{}' to _not_ match on path '{}'".format(expr, path)) for path in mps_matches: asserts.equals(env, True, glob_match(expr, path, match_path_separator = True), "Expected expr '{}' with match_path_separator to match on path '{}'".format(expr, path)) for path in mps_non_matches: asserts.equals(env, False, glob_match(expr, path, match_path_separator = True), "Expected expr '{}' with match_path_separator to _not_ match on path '{}'".format(expr, path)) return unittest.end(env) def _star(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "*", matches = ["express"], non_matches = ["@eslint/plugin-foo"], mps_matches = ["express", "@eslint/plugin-foo"], mps_non_matches = [], ) star_test = unittest.make(_star) def _globstar(ctx): return _glob_match_test(ctx, "**", ["@eslint/plugin-foo", "express"], []) globstar_test = unittest.make(_globstar) def _qmark(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "?", matches = ["a", "b"], non_matches = ["/", "aa", "bb"], mps_matches = ["a", "b", "/"], mps_non_matches = ["aa", "bb"], ) qmark_test = unittest.make(_qmark) def _qmark_qmark(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "??", matches = ["aa", "ba"], non_matches = ["/", "a", "b"], ) qmark_qmark_test = unittest.make(_qmark_qmark) def _wrapped_qmark(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "f?n", matches = ["fun", "fin"], non_matches = ["funny", "fit", "bob", "f/n"], mps_matches = ["fun", "fin", "f/n"], mps_non_matches = ["funny", "fit", "bob"], ) wrapped_qmark_test = unittest.make(_wrapped_qmark) def _mixed_wrapped_qmark(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "f?n*", matches = ["fun", "fin", "funny"], non_matches = ["fit", "bob", "f/n", "f/n/uny"], mps_matches = ["fun", "fin", "f/n", "funny", "f/n/uny"], mps_non_matches = ["fit", "bob"], ) mixed_wrapped_qmark_test = unittest.make(_mixed_wrapped_qmark) def _ending_star(ctx): return _glob_match_test(ctx, "eslint-*", ["eslint-plugin-foo"], ["@eslint/plugin-foo", "express", "eslint", "-eslint"]) ending_star_test = unittest.make(_ending_star) def _wrapping_star(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "*plugin*", matches = ["eslint-plugin-foo"], non_matches = ["@eslint/plugin-foo", "express"], mps_matches = ["eslint-plugin-foo", "@eslint/plugin-foo"], mps_non_matches = ["express"], ) wrapping_star_test = unittest.make(_wrapping_star) def _wrapped_star(ctx): return _glob_match_test(ctx, "a*c", ["ac", "abc", "accc", "acacac", "a1234c", "a12c34c"], ["abcd"]) wrapped_star_test = unittest.make(_wrapped_star) def _starting_star(ctx): return _glob_match_test(ctx, "*-positive", ["is-positive"], ["is-positive-not"]) starting_star_test = unittest.make(_starting_star) def _mixed_trailing_globstar(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "foo*/**", matches = ["foo/fum/bar", "foostar/fum/bar"], non_matches = ["fo/fum/bar", "fostar/fum/bar", "foo", "foostar"], ) mixed_trailing_globstar_test = unittest.make(_mixed_trailing_globstar) def _mixed_leading_globstar(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "**/foo*", matches = ["fum/bar/foo", "fum/bar/foostar"], non_matches = ["fum/bar/fo", "fum/bar/fostar", "foo", "foostar"], ) mixed_leading_globstar_test = unittest.make(_mixed_leading_globstar) def _mixed_wrapping_globstar(ctx): return _glob_match_test( ctx, "**/foo*/**", matches = ["fum/bar/foo/fum/bar", "fum/bar/foostar/fum/bar"], non_matches = ["fum/bar/fo/fum/bar", "fum/bar/fostar/fum/bar", "foo", "foostar"], ) mixed_wrapper_globstar_test = unittest.make(_mixed_wrapping_globstar) def glob_match_test_suite(): unittest.suite( "glob_match_tests", star_test, globstar_test, qmark_test, qmark_qmark_test, wrapped_qmark_test, mixed_wrapped_qmark_test, ending_star_test, wrapping_star_test, wrapped_star_test, starting_star_test, mixed_trailing_globstar_test, mixed_leading_globstar_test, mixed_wrapper_globstar_test, )