"""Implementation for jq rule""" _jq_attrs = { "srcs": attr.label_list( allow_files = True, mandatory = True, allow_empty = True, ), "filter": attr.string(), "filter_file": attr.label(allow_single_file = True), "args": attr.string_list(), "out": attr.output(), } def _jq_impl(ctx): jq_bin = ctx.toolchains["@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:jq_toolchain_type"].jqinfo.bin out = ctx.outputs.out or ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + ".json") args = ctx.attr.args inputs = ctx.files.srcs[:] if not ctx.attr.filter and not ctx.attr.filter_file: fail("Must provide a filter or a filter_file") if ctx.attr.filter and ctx.attr.filter_file: fail("Cannot provide both a filter and a filter_file") # jq hangs when there are no input sources unless --null-input flag is passed if len(ctx.attr.srcs) == 0 and "-n" not in args and "--null-input" not in args: args = args + ["--null-input"] if ctx.attr.filter_file: args = args + ["--from-file '%s'" % ctx.file.filter_file.path] inputs.append(ctx.file.filter_file) cmd = "{jq} {args} {filter} {sources} > {out}".format( jq = jq_bin.path, args = " ".join(args), filter = "'%s'" % ctx.attr.filter if ctx.attr.filter else "", sources = " ".join(["'%s'" % file.path for file in ctx.files.srcs]), out = out.path, ) ctx.actions.run_shell( tools = [jq_bin], inputs = inputs, outputs = [out], command = cmd, mnemonic = "Jq", ) return DefaultInfo(files = depset([out]), runfiles = ctx.runfiles([out])) jq_lib = struct( attrs = _jq_attrs, implementation = _jq_impl, )