2022-07-28 01:48:02 +00:00
""" unit tests for glob_match """
2022-08-20 19:53:12 +00:00
load ( " @bazel_skylib//lib:partial.bzl " , " partial " )
2022-07-28 01:48:02 +00:00
load ( " @bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl " , " asserts " , " unittest " )
2022-11-03 01:44:42 +00:00
load ( " //lib:glob_match.bzl " , " glob_match " , " is_glob " )
2022-07-28 01:48:02 +00:00
def _glob_match_test ( ctx , expr , matches , non_matches , mps_matches = None , mps_non_matches = None ) :
""" `mps sands for `match path segment`
env = unittest . begin ( ctx )
if mps_matches == None :
mps_matches = matches
if mps_non_matches == None :
mps_non_matches = non_matches
for path in matches :
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( expr , path ) , " Expected expr ' {} ' to match on path ' {} ' " . format ( expr , path ) )
for path in non_matches :
asserts . equals ( env , False , glob_match ( expr , path ) , " Expected expr ' {} ' to _not_ match on path ' {} ' " . format ( expr , path ) )
for path in mps_matches :
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( expr , path , match_path_separator = True ) , " Expected expr ' {} ' with match_path_separator to match on path ' {} ' " . format ( expr , path ) )
for path in mps_non_matches :
asserts . equals ( env , False , glob_match ( expr , path , match_path_separator = True ) , " Expected expr ' {} ' with match_path_separator to _not_ match on path ' {} ' " . format ( expr , path ) )
return unittest . end ( env )
2022-11-03 01:44:42 +00:00
def _basic ( ctx ) :
env = unittest . begin ( ctx )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " a " , " a " ) , " single directory " )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " a/ " , " a/ " ) , " trailing slash single directory " )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " /a " , " /a " ) , " leading slash single directory " )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " /a/ " , " /a/ " ) , " leading slash and trailing slash single directory " )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " a/b " , " a/b " ) , " nested directory " )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " a/b/ " , " a/b/ " ) , " trailing slash nested directory " )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " /a/b " , " /a/b " ) , " leading slash nested directory " )
asserts . equals ( env , True , glob_match ( " /a/b/ " , " /a/b/ " ) , " leading and trailing slash nested directory " )
return unittest . end ( env )
basic_test = unittest . make ( _basic )
2022-07-28 01:48:02 +00:00
def _star ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" * " ,
matches = [ " express " ] ,
non_matches = [ " @eslint/plugin-foo " ] ,
mps_matches = [ " express " , " @eslint/plugin-foo " ] ,
mps_non_matches = [ ] ,
star_test = unittest . make ( _star )
def _globstar ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test ( ctx , " ** " , [ " @eslint/plugin-foo " , " express " ] , [ ] )
globstar_test = unittest . make ( _globstar )
def _qmark ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" ? " ,
matches = [ " a " , " b " ] ,
non_matches = [ " / " , " aa " , " bb " ] ,
mps_matches = [ " a " , " b " , " / " ] ,
mps_non_matches = [ " aa " , " bb " ] ,
qmark_test = unittest . make ( _qmark )
def _qmark_qmark ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" ?? " ,
matches = [ " aa " , " ba " ] ,
non_matches = [ " / " , " a " , " b " ] ,
qmark_qmark_test = unittest . make ( _qmark_qmark )
def _wrapped_qmark ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" f?n " ,
matches = [ " fun " , " fin " ] ,
non_matches = [ " funny " , " fit " , " bob " , " f/n " ] ,
mps_matches = [ " fun " , " fin " , " f/n " ] ,
mps_non_matches = [ " funny " , " fit " , " bob " ] ,
wrapped_qmark_test = unittest . make ( _wrapped_qmark )
def _mixed_wrapped_qmark ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" f?n* " ,
matches = [ " fun " , " fin " , " funny " ] ,
non_matches = [ " fit " , " bob " , " f/n " , " f/n/uny " ] ,
mps_matches = [ " fun " , " fin " , " f/n " , " funny " , " f/n/uny " ] ,
mps_non_matches = [ " fit " , " bob " ] ,
mixed_wrapped_qmark_test = unittest . make ( _mixed_wrapped_qmark )
def _ending_star ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test ( ctx , " eslint-* " , [ " eslint-plugin-foo " ] , [ " @eslint/plugin-foo " , " express " , " eslint " , " -eslint " ] )
ending_star_test = unittest . make ( _ending_star )
def _wrapping_star ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" *plugin* " ,
matches = [ " eslint-plugin-foo " ] ,
non_matches = [ " @eslint/plugin-foo " , " express " ] ,
mps_matches = [ " eslint-plugin-foo " , " @eslint/plugin-foo " ] ,
mps_non_matches = [ " express " ] ,
wrapping_star_test = unittest . make ( _wrapping_star )
def _wrapped_star ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test ( ctx , " a*c " , [ " ac " , " abc " , " accc " , " acacac " , " a1234c " , " a12c34c " ] , [ " abcd " ] )
wrapped_star_test = unittest . make ( _wrapped_star )
def _starting_star ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test ( ctx , " *-positive " , [ " is-positive " ] , [ " is-positive-not " ] )
starting_star_test = unittest . make ( _starting_star )
def _mixed_trailing_globstar ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" foo*/** " ,
matches = [ " foo/fum/bar " , " foostar/fum/bar " ] ,
non_matches = [ " fo/fum/bar " , " fostar/fum/bar " , " foo " , " foostar " ] ,
mixed_trailing_globstar_test = unittest . make ( _mixed_trailing_globstar )
def _mixed_leading_globstar ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" **/foo* " ,
matches = [ " fum/bar/foo " , " fum/bar/foostar " ] ,
non_matches = [ " fum/bar/fo " , " fum/bar/fostar " , " foo " , " foostar " ] ,
mixed_leading_globstar_test = unittest . make ( _mixed_leading_globstar )
def _mixed_wrapping_globstar ( ctx ) :
return _glob_match_test (
ctx ,
" **/foo*/** " ,
matches = [ " fum/bar/foo/fum/bar " , " fum/bar/foostar/fum/bar " ] ,
non_matches = [ " fum/bar/fo/fum/bar " , " fum/bar/fostar/fum/bar " , " foo " , " foostar " ] ,
mixed_wrapper_globstar_test = unittest . make ( _mixed_wrapping_globstar )
2022-11-03 01:44:42 +00:00
def _is_glob ( ctx ) :
env = unittest . begin ( ctx )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " / " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " . " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " ./ " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " .. " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " ../ " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " /./. " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " /../. " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " /a/b/c/d " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , False , is_glob ( " /a/. " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " * " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " ** " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " ? " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " /* " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " /** " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " /? " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " .* " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " .? " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " ./foo/**/bar " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " *.txt " ) )
asserts . equals ( env , True , is_glob ( " a/?.txt " ) )
return unittest . end ( env )
is_glob_test = unittest . make ( _is_glob )
2022-07-28 01:48:02 +00:00
def glob_match_test_suite ( ) :
unittest . suite (
2022-11-03 01:44:42 +00:00
" glob_match " ,
partial . make ( basic_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
2022-08-20 19:53:12 +00:00
partial . make ( star_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( globstar_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( qmark_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( qmark_qmark_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( wrapped_qmark_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( mixed_wrapped_qmark_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( ending_star_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( wrapping_star_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( wrapped_star_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( starting_star_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( mixed_trailing_globstar_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( mixed_leading_globstar_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
partial . make ( mixed_wrapper_globstar_test , timeout = " short " ) ,
2022-07-28 01:48:02 +00:00
2022-11-03 01:44:42 +00:00
unittest . suite (
" is_glob " ,
partial . make ( is_glob_test , timeout = " short " )