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"write_source_file implementation"
load(":directory_path.bzl", "DirectoryPathInfo")
load(":diff_test.bzl", _diff_test = "diff_test")
load(":fail_with_message_test.bzl", "fail_with_message_test")
load(":utils.bzl", "utils")
def write_source_file(
in_file = None,
out_file = None,
additional_update_targets = [],
suggested_update_target = None,
diff_test = True,
"""Write a file or folder to the output tree. Stamp out tests that ensure the sources exist and are up to date.
name: Name of the executable target that creates or updates the source file
in_file: File to use as the desired content to write to out_file. If in_file is a TreeArtifact then entire directory contents are copied.
out_file: The file to write to in the source tree. Must be within the same bazel package as the target.
additional_update_targets: List of other write_source_file or other executable updater targets to call in the same run
suggested_update_target: Label of the write_source_file target to suggest running when files are out of date
diff_test: Generate a test target to check that the source file(s) exist and are up to date with the generated files(s).
**kwargs: Other common named parameters such as `tags` or `visibility`
if out_file:
if not in_file:
fail("in_file must be specified if out_file is set")
if in_file:
if not out_file:
fail("out_file must be specified if in_file is set")
if in_file and out_file:
in_file = utils.to_label(in_file)
out_file = utils.to_label(out_file)
if utils.is_external_label(out_file):
fail("out file %s must be in the user workspace" % out_file)
if out_file.package != native.package_name():
fail("out file %s (in package '%s') must be a source file within the target's package: '%s'" % (out_file, out_file.package, native.package_name()))
name = name,
in_file = in_file,
out_file = out_file.name if out_file else None,
additional_update_targets = additional_update_targets,
is_windows = select({
"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:host_windows": True,
"//conditions:default": False,
if not in_file or not out_file or not diff_test:
out_file_missing = _is_file_missing(out_file)
test_target_name = "%s_test" % name
if out_file_missing:
if suggested_update_target == None:
message = """
%s does not exist. To create & update this file, run:
bazel run //%s:%s
""" % (out_file, native.package_name(), name)
message = """
%s does not exist. To create & update this and other generated files, run:
bazel run %s
To create an update *only* this file, run:
bazel run //%s:%s
""" % (out_file, utils.to_label(suggested_update_target), native.package_name(), name)
# Stamp out a test that fails with a helpful message when the source file doesn't exist.
# Note that we cannot simply call fail() here since it will fail during the analysis
# phase and prevent the user from calling bazel run //update/the:file.
name = test_target_name,
message = message,
visibility = kwargs.get("visibility"),
tags = kwargs.get("tags"),
if suggested_update_target == None:
message = """
%s is out of date. To update this file, run:
bazel run //%s:%s
""" % (out_file, native.package_name(), name)
message = """
%s is out of date. To update this and other generated files, run:
bazel run %s
To update *only* this file, run:
bazel run //%s:%s
""" % (out_file, utils.to_label(suggested_update_target), native.package_name(), name)
# Stamp out a diff test the check that the source file is up to date
name = test_target_name,
file1 = in_file,
file2 = out_file,
failure_message = message,
_write_source_file_attrs = {
"in_file": attr.label(allow_files = True, mandatory = False),
# out_file is intentionally an attr.string() and not a attr.label(). This is so that
# bazel query 'kind("source file", deps(//path/to:target))' does not return
# out_file in the list of source file deps. ibazel uses this query to determine
# which source files to watch so if the out_file is returned then ibazel watches
# and it goes into an infinite update, notify loop when running this target.
# See https://github.com/aspect-build/bazel-lib/pull/52 for more context.
"out_file": attr.string(mandatory = False),
"additional_update_targets": attr.label_list(cfg = "host", mandatory = False),
"is_windows": attr.bool(mandatory = True),
def _write_source_file_sh(ctx, paths):
updater = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.label.name + "_update.sh",
additional_update_scripts = []
for target in ctx.attr.additional_update_targets:
if target[DefaultInfo].files_to_run and target[DefaultInfo].files_to_run.executable:
fail("additional_update_targets target %s does not provide an executable")
contents = ["""#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
# BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY not set when running as a test, uses the sandbox instead
if [[ ! -z "${BUILD_WORKSPACE_DIRECTORY:-}" ]]; then
for in_path, out_path in paths:
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$out")"
echo "Copying $in to $out in $PWD"
if [[ -f "$in" ]]; then
cp -f "$in" "$out"
chmod 664 "$out"
mkdir -p "$out"
cp -fR "$in"/* "$out"
chmod 664 "$out"/*
""".format(in_path = in_path, out_path = out_path))
"cd \"$runfiles_dir\"",
"# Run the update scripts for all write_source_file deps",
for update_script in additional_update_scripts:
contents.append("\"{update_script}\"".format(update_script = update_script.short_path))
output = updater,
is_executable = True,
content = "\n".join(contents),
return updater
def _write_source_file_bat(ctx, paths):
updater = ctx.actions.declare_file(
ctx.label.name + "_update.bat",
additional_update_scripts = []
for target in ctx.attr.additional_update_targets:
if target[DefaultInfo].files_to_run and target[DefaultInfo].files_to_run.executable:
fail("additional_update_targets target %s does not provide an executable")
contents = ["""@rem Generated by write_source_file.bzl, do not edit.
@echo off
set runfiles_dir=%cd%
for in_path, out_path in paths:
set in=%runfiles_dir%\\{in_path}
set out={out_path}
@rem Because there's no sandboxing in windows, if we copy over the target
@rem file's symlink it will get copied back into the source directory
@rem during tests. Work around this in tests by deleting the target file
@rem symlink before copying over it.
del %out%
echo Copying %in% to %out% in %cd%
if exist "%in%\\*" (
mkdir "%out%" >NUL 2>NUL
robocopy "%in%" "%out%" /E >NUL
) else (
copy %in% %out% >NUL
""".format(in_path = in_path.replace("/", "\\"), out_path = out_path.replace("/", "\\")))
"cd %runfiles_dir%",
"@rem Run the update scripts for all write_source_file deps",
for update_script in additional_update_scripts:
contents.append("call {update_script".format(update_script = update_script.short_path))
output = updater,
is_executable = True,
context = "\n".join(contents).replace("\n", "\r\n"),
return updater
def _write_source_file_impl(ctx):
if ctx.attr.out_file and not ctx.attr.in_file:
fail("in_file must be specified if out_file is set")
if ctx.attr.in_file and not ctx.attr.out_file:
fail("out_file must be specified if in_file is set")
paths = []
runfiles = []
if ctx.attr.in_file and ctx.attr.out_file:
if DirectoryPathInfo in ctx.attr.in_file:
in_path = "/".join([
elif len(ctx.files.in_file) == 0:
fail("in file %s must provide files" % ctx.attr.in_file.label)
elif len(ctx.files.in_file) == 1:
in_path = ctx.files.in_file[0].short_path
fail("in file %s must be a single file or a target that provides DefaultOutputPathInfo or DirectoryPathInfo" % ctx.attr.in_file.label)
out_path = "/".join([ctx.label.package, ctx.attr.out_file]) if ctx.label.package else ctx.attr.out_file
paths.append((in_path, out_path))
if ctx.attr.is_windows:
updater = _write_source_file_bat(ctx, paths)
updater = _write_source_file_sh(ctx, paths)
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = runfiles,
transitive_files = ctx.attr.in_file.files if ctx.attr.in_file else None,
deps_runfiles = [dep[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles for dep in ctx.attr.additional_update_targets]
if "merge_all" in dir(runfiles):
runfiles = runfiles.merge_all(deps_runfiles)
for dep in deps_runfiles:
runfiles = runfiles.merge(dep)
return [
executable = updater,
runfiles = runfiles,
_write_source_file = rule(
attrs = _write_source_file_attrs,
implementation = _write_source_file_impl,
executable = True,
def _is_file_missing(label):
"""Check if a file is missing by passing its relative path through a glob()
label: the file's label
file_abs = "%s/%s" % (label.package, label.name)
file_rel = file_abs[len(native.package_name()) + 1:]
file_glob = native.glob([file_rel], exclude_directories = 0)
return len(file_glob) == 0