| <aid="yq-name"></a>name | Name of the rule | none |
| <aid="yq-srcs"></a>srcs | List of input file labels | none |
| <aid="yq-expression"></a>expression | yq expression (https://mikefarah.gitbook.io/yq/commands/evaluate). Defaults to the identity expression "." | <code>"."</code> |
| <aid="yq-args"></a>args | Additional args to pass to yq. Note that you do not need to pass _eval_ or _eval-all_ as this is handled automatically based on the number <code>srcs</code>. Passing the output format or the parse format is optional as these can be guessed based on the file extensions in <code>srcs</code> and <code>outs</code>. | <code>[]</code> |
| <aid="yq-outs"></a>outs | Name of the output files. Defaults to a single output with the name plus a ".yaml" extension, or the extension corresponding to a passed output argment (e.g., "-o=json"). For split operations you must declare all outputs as the name of the output files depends on the expression. | <code>None</code> |
| <aid="yq-kwargs"></a>kwargs | Other common named parameters such as <code>tags</code> or <code>visibility</code> | none |