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@rem @generated by @aspect_bazel_lib//lib/private:diff_test.bzl
@echo off
:: TODO: Add support for XML_OUTPUT_FILE like in diff_test_tmpl.sh
set PATH=%SYSTEMROOT%\\system32
set F1={file1}
set F2={file2}
if "!F1:~0,9!" equ "external/" (set F1=!F1:~9!) else (set F1=!TEST_WORKSPACE!/!F1!)
if "!F2:~0,9!" equ "external/" (set F2=!F2:~9!) else (set F2=!TEST_WORKSPACE!/!F2!)
for /F "tokens=2* usebackq" %%i in (`findstr.exe /l /c:"!F1! " "%MF%"`) do (
set RF1=%%i
set RF1=!RF1:/=\\!
if "!RF1!" equ "" (
if "%RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY%" neq "1" if exist "%RUNFILES_DIR%\\%F1%" (
set RF1="%RUNFILES_DIR%\\%F1%"
) else (
if exist "{file1}" (
set RF1="{file1}"
if "!RF1!" neq "" ( set RF1=!RF1:/=\\!
) else (
echo>&2 ERROR: !F1! not found
exit /b 1
for /F "tokens=2* usebackq" %%i in (`findstr.exe /l /c:"!F2! " "%MF%"`) do (
set RF2=%%i
set RF2=!RF2:/=\\!
if "!RF2!" equ "" (
if "%RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY%" neq "1" if exist "%RUNFILES_DIR%\\%F2%" (
set RF2="%RUNFILES_DIR%\\%F2%"
) else (
if exist "{file2}" (
set RF2="{file2}"
if "!RF2!" neq "" ( set RF2=!RF2:/=\\!
) else (
echo>&2 ERROR: !F2! not found
exit /b 1
set DF1=0
set DF2=0
if exist "!RF1!\\*" (
set DF1=1
if exist "!RF2!\\*" (
set DF2=1
if %DF1% equ 1 (
if %DF2% equ 0 (
echo>&2 ERROR: Cannot compare directory "{file1}" and a file "{file2}"
exit /b 1
if %DF1% equ 0 (
if %DF2% equ 1 (
echo>&2 ERROR: Cannot compare file "{file1}" and a directory "{file2}"
exit /b 1
set DFX=0
if %DF1% equ 1 (
if %DF2% equ 1 (
set DFX=1
if %DFX% equ 1 (
for /f "delims=" %%F in (
'echo "."^&forfiles /s /p "!RF1!" /m "*" /c "cmd /c echo @relpath"'
) do (
if not exist "!RF2!\\%%~F" (
echo>&2 FAIL: file "%%~F" exists in "{file1}" and not in "{file2}". {fail_msg}
GOTO fail
if not exist "!RF1!\\%%~F\\*" (
fc.exe /B "!RF1!\\%%~F" "!RF2!\\%%~F" 2>NUL 1>NUL
if !ERRORLEVEL! neq 0 (
if !ERRORLEVEL! equ 1 (
echo>&2 FAIL: files "{file1}\\%%~F" and "{file2}\\%%~F" differ. {fail_msg}
GOTO fail
) else (
fc.exe /B "!RF1!\\%%~F" "!RF2!\\%%~F"
GOTO fail
for /f "delims=" %%F in (
'echo "."^&forfiles /s /p "!RF2!" /m "*" /c "cmd /c echo @relpath"'
) do (
if not exist "!RF1!\\%%~F" (
echo>&2 FAIL: file "%%~F" exists in "{file2}" and not in "{file1}". {fail_msg}
GOTO fail
) else (
fc.exe /B "!RF1!" "!RF2!" 2>NUL 1>NUL
if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 (
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 1 (
echo>&2 FAIL: files "{file1}" and "{file2}" differ. {fail_msg}
exit /b 1
) else (
fc.exe /B "!RF1!" "!RF2!"
exit /b %errorlevel%
exit /b 0
exit /b 1